Can we really make peace with silk?

It's not difficult to understand why mankind has a centuries-long history of using silk. A natural fabric which makes beautiful, luxurious yet durable outerwear and practical, tactile, insulating yet breathable underwear, its production also lends itself to small-scale, cottage-style industry. Unfortunately it's usually stolen from the caterpillar of the moth bombyx mori (or 'silkworm) in … Continue reading Can we really make peace with silk?

Responsible denim

Whether fashion conscious or just practical, most of us owns at least one pair of jeans. The average American wears jeans four days a week, and even in the UK, not known for it's cowboy culture, we each own an average of seven pairs.  Non-organic cotton production uses huge amounts of water, polluting pesticides, insecticides … Continue reading Responsible denim