How clothing manufacturers are adapting to slow fashion and a circular economy

There's a growing understanding among the most prominent brands that the traditional linear business model, based as it is on constant consumption of natural resources and sales driven by built-in obsolescence, is not sustainable. Particularly in the world of fashion, a more circular model is needed if companies are to continue to trade while protecting … Continue reading How clothing manufacturers are adapting to slow fashion and a circular economy

Responsible denim

Whether fashion conscious or just practical, most of us owns at least one pair of jeans. The average American wears jeans four days a week, and even in the UK, not known for it's cowboy culture, we each own an average of seven pairs.  Non-organic cotton production uses huge amounts of water, polluting pesticides, insecticides … Continue reading Responsible denim

Two very different approaches to recycling natural fabrics

The potential for recycling won't on its own make fashion sustainable. Putting months-old purchases in a charity or recycling bin won't undo the waste of resources or make up for any human or environmental cost involved in their manufacture. That said, buying recycled is a great way to avoid adding to a growing problem. UN … Continue reading Two very different approaches to recycling natural fabrics